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Verena Andrea Prenner (1982) is a visual artist and sociologist born and raised in Austria.

She finished her Master in Sociology with a thesis titled “Heaven on Earth – Sex workers in the field of tension between social stigma and necessary service”. It comprised an interview and photography series with sex workers in brothels in the Viennese red light district.

For her artistic work she undertakes long-lasting sociological field researches f.e. in Refugee Camps in the Middle East or in Central Africa and deals with different fringe groups, as edges are known to define the middle.
The main interest in her sociological research is the question "How and in which ways do various social, cultural, historical and political environments shape individuals?"

Questo lavoro non ha lo scopo di mostrare una previsione o una visione del futuro, ma all'interno della discussione filosofica di "Pensare al futuro - i segni che vediamo" non possiamo escludere il passato che plasma il nostro presente e, naturalmente, le nostre opinioni sul futuro, individualmente o socialmente.

Per questo lavoro ho scelto il mare come esempio simbolico.


A prima vista, sembra che il mare sia uguale per tutti.

Tuttavia, ognuno vede e percepisce in modo diverso il proprio passato, il proprio status sociale e la propria socializzazione attraverso la propria famiglia e l'ambiente circostante. Gli oggetti che le persone da me fotografate hanno indossato davanti al mare dovrebbero fungere da simboli della storia precedente attraverso la quale percepiscono / vedono il mare (futuro).

This work is not intended to show a prediction or vision of the future, but within the philosophical discussion of "Thinking about the future - the signs we see" we cannot exclude the past that shapes our present and, of course, ours. opinions about the future, individually.

For this work I have chosen the sea as a symbolic example.


At first glance, it seems that the sea is the same for everyone.

However, everyone sees and perceives their past, their social status and their socialization differently through their family and their surroundings. The objects that the people I photograph wore in front of the sea should serve as symbols of the previous history through which they perceive / see the (future) sea.

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