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Architect, freelance photographer, environmentalist. Carmelo Micieli (1958) collaborated with "ItaliaNostra", the first Italian environmental association, alongside Antonio Cederna (founder of the same).

His work is aimed at deepening the language and value of the Italian landscape.

He has published historical-photographic books and journalistic articles on issues connected with the art and traditions of south-eastern Sicily.

Le immagini sono presentate secondo la struttura compositiva degli Haiku giapponesi, ordinate in gruppi di tre. La loro lettura congiunta può assumere la forma di un componimento. 

In questo si è voluta richiamare l’attenzione su una serie di problematiche connesse con i cambiamenti sociali, in atto già prima della pandemia che stanno producendo mutazioni sull’aspetto culturale e sui modi rivivere gli spazi urbani destinati alla pubblica fruizione.

L’anticipazione di un futuro già in corso.

The images are presented according to the compositional structure of the Japanese Haiku, arranged in groups of three. Their joint reading can take the form of a poem.

In this we wanted to draw attention to a series of issues related to social changes, already underway before the pandemic that are producing mutations on the cultural aspect and on the ways to relive urban spaces intended for public use.

The anticipation of a future already underway.

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