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Anne-Sophie Costenoble explores and gleans ordinary and fragiles moments. Chance and the idea of wandering play a central role in her sensitive and lyrical approach to photography. Often suffused with a dreamlike and crepuscular atmosphere, her pictures seem to reach us from distant horizons and to move between urgency and distraction.

Her pictures have been exhibited in Belgium at the Museum of Photography in Charleroi and the Contretype Gallery in Brussels but also in France, at the festival Itinéraires des Photographes Voyageurs in Bordeaux, in Arles as well as been sceened at Bal and MEP (Paris). Her work have also been on exhibition in various European Countries.

L'esperienza Covid ci invita a cambiare paradigma. L'uomo non è più al centro. La filosofa belga Vinciane Despret ci invita a imparare a essere nuovamente chiamati dalla natura ea convivere con il virus. Secondo lei, “i recenti periodi di reclusione suscitano momenti di bellezza, poesia e primaria meraviglia. Ci invitano a risvegliare la nostra curiosità, a riconnetterci con il nostro bisogno essenziale di arte e cultura ".

La serie di voci silenziose iniziata durante una residenza al monastero di Halsnoy in Norvegia potrebbe essere una risposta poetica a queste esigenze. Riconnettiti con la natura. Condividi uno stato d'animo. Poetizza il reale.

Covid experience prompts us to change paradigm. Man is no longer in the center. The Belgian philosopher Vinciane Despret offers us to learn how to be solicited again by nature and to coexist with the virus. According to her, “Recent periods of confinement give rise to moments of beauty, poetry and first wonder. They invite us to awaken our curiosity, to renew our essential needs for art and culture."

The series “Silent voices” initiated during a residency at Halsnoy Monastery in Norway could be a poetic response to this needs.
Reconnecting with nature. Sharing a state of soul. Poetizing the real.

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