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The Nederlands



Hans Brooymans is drawn by topics related to infrastructure, time and space. He likes to interprete their existence, history and future, to see what comes out, often framed by research. Two of his current projects are Atavachron, about an aqueduct coming out of stasis, and Substruction, a proposal for a gallery on the moon. He lives in Almere, The Netherlands.

Dieci anni fa, Hans Brooymans si imbattè in una fototessera abbandonata in prossimità di Ponte Taro (PR), lungo la Via Emilia. Nessun altro indizio se non il viso di una giovane donna dai capelli scuri, che lo fissa e che lo interroga sul passato degli eventi (com’è finita li quella foto? cosa può essere successo?) ma soprattutto gli mette davanti un quesito fondamentale: quali fatti sono avvenuti ed avverranno lungo questa linea temporale direttamente o indirettamente correlati alla perdita di questa immagine?

Determinare l'effetto di un evento può essere inutile o, alle volte, risultare faccenda complicata. Pronto a scegliere la seconda ipotesi, come un investigatore sulla scena, Hans cattura la risonanza dell’area e ci consegna il suo “contributo alla perdita”.

In 2009, Hans Brooymans traveled along the Via Emilia in the north of Italy. He stumbled upon an ID photo in the grass, next to a bridge crossing the Taro river. It showed the face of a dark-haired, young woman. No document, no name, only a portrait. How did the photo end up there? What had happened? Questions like these came to mind right away and made him theorize about its past. But, as he realised soon, the most intriguing questions are the ones referring to its

future. What has all happened because of the leaving-behind of this picture? Things for which it

was a requirement that someone lose the photo? Which decisions were taken, which journeys were made, which events took place on this timeline, directly or indirectly related to this picture?

Everyday life has its dreams, turns, moments of glory and a zillion more qualities. Determining the effect of a past event is a complicated task. Nevertheless he has tried, by capturing the current resonance in the area. Juxtaposing images helps in musing about the contribution of the loss - a decade ago - to the scenes as they present themselves.

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